The Conversation - Great Egrets

White egrets discussing a proper nesting location.

White egrets discussing a proper nesting location.


The great egret, also known as the common egret, large egret, or great white egret or great white heron is a large, widely distributed egret, with four subspecies found in Asia, Africa, the Americas, and southern Europe.

When photographing these magnificent birds, I always try to be patient and watch for some type of interaction among the egrets. It can be “a discussion” about nest building and the placement of the right twig. Or it might be who is in charge of egg turning. Or baby birds telling mother that they are hungry.

To me, I always find these images more interesting than a “bird on a stick” portrait. How about you ?

When someone asks me “what do I need for bird photography?” … I always suggest patience!

White egrets nesting in a mangrove. Notice the blue eggs inside the nest.

White egrets nesting in a mangrove. Notice the blue eggs inside the nest.

Hungry birds asking for food.

Hungry birds asking for food.


Blue Maxima Clams - South Pacific Ocean


Mangrove Reflections